Alumni Network
Architectural Engineering Regional Alumni Network
Wherever one goes, we are always proud to meet our talented architectural engineering alumni. As a student at Cal Poly, you were dedicated to your studies, creative and articulate in your expression, willing to work hard and eager to learn a profession. Now, as alumni we see that your interests continue to include your alma mater. We hope you will consider joining a regional alumni chapter where you can:
- Rekindle friendships, and develop new connections with Cal Poly alumni in your region
- Act as a point of contact with young graduates in your area, helping them integrate within the professional community
- Develop a forum for bringing together alumni and friends surrounding a topic or issue through workshops, lectures, or panel discussions
- Host events such as shows of alumni work, walking tours of current alumni projects or social hours
- Establish a Regional Alumni Scholarship
- Act as a point of contact to assist the advancement efforts of the Architectural Engineering Department.
We hope you will join us as we establish an Architectural Engineering Regional Alumni Network. If you interested in helping to create a formal Alumni Chapter for the Architectural Engineering Department, please visit the Cal Poly Alumni Association Web site at and click on “CPAA Chapters. It’s a great way to get involved and give back with both your time and talents.
If you like to act as a contact for recent graduates who are relocating to your area we look forward to hearing from you. We are particularly interested in having alumni act as contacts for the following cities:
- Denver
- Fresno
- Los Angeles
- Portland
- Oakland/East Bay Area
- Sacramento
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Jose/South Bay Area
- Seattle
Alumni News
The Architectural Engineering Department is pleased to recognize the extraordinary accomplishments of our alumni. We are proud of your achievements and hope that you will stay in touch with your Alma Matter by emailing Allen Estes with news you want to share.
From the PTI Post-Tensioning Institute Web Site
In 2006, as part of its biennial design awards competition, PTI introduced a new competition for college students, this year in a brand new category. Student submissions must be something built by a student or group of students within the last five years. Built projects must incorporate post-tensioning strands that prestress a building component, and may be in the form of a sculpture or other scale model.
To date participation has been limited to a few universities; however, PTI is encouraging students from other accredited North American universities and colleges to submit entries for awards and recognition.
The 2008 Student Project award was presented to Tylor Middlestadt, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA for his project entitled "The Post-Tensioned Concrete Advantage: Experimental Study of the Impact of Concrete Compressive Strength on the Strength and Serviceability of a Post-Tensioned Concrete Slab."
Tylor Middlestadt graduated spring 2008 and was awarded for his senior project fall 2008.
For more information, please visit
To join our extensive Cal Poly ARCE current student and alumni network, please like us on social media!
Also please let us know what you've been up to since graduating from Cal Poly!

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To stay in touch with ARCE as an alumni, Connect with ARCE!

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Follow @ARCE_CalPoly on Twitter!

ARCE on Youtube
The ARCE department also posts videos on the ARCE_CalPoly youtube channel!